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      10-14-2013, 05:36 PM   #91
Second Lieutenant

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Originally Posted by mistjl View Post
Sorry this is so long. TIA for your response....

Thursday September 19 went to Endodontic Center for repair of tooth #16 and Dr X evaluated the tooth. She said there was an infection and a previous root canal but Xrays indicated it could be saved. We decided to repair the tooth and she worked on it for ~ 1 hour.

Thursday October 3 went to Endodontic Center for continued repair of tooth #16 which had a previous root canal and crown. It was from 2:00 pm till 4:00 pm. Towards the end of the procedure it felt like she forced some liquid into one of the roots of the tooth and I had very sharp pain above the tooth in the roof of my mouth.

That evening the left half of the roof of my mouth felt swollen but it was numb so there was no pain. The numbness wore off 2 days later on Saturday afternoon. It was replaced by chronic pain in the area. The swelling above teeth #14, #15, and #6 was still there. I started taking ibuprofen with motrin for the pain. On Tuesday and Wednesday the pain subsided and the swelling went down.

Thursday October 10 went to Endodontic Center and discussed the numbness, swelling, and pain in roof of mouth I experienced after the last visit with Dr X. She xrayed the area and said the liquid above the teeth would dissipate over time. I asked if she could have forced liquid thru the root of #16 into my sinus cavity and she said she didn’t know. She worked on the tooth for about 1 hour trying to clean out the only root that still contained a “file”. Towards the end of the procedure I felt an intense pain and flinched and grunted. She stopped and asked if that hurt. I replied yes, there was an acute pain resulting from what felt like pressure above teeth #14, #15, and #16 in the roof of the mouth. I again asked if there could be a hole in the root and when she cleans the inside of the root if liquid is going into my sinus cavity. She said she didn’t know. She stopped and took Xrays again and said she found nothing.

Time ran out. She said the roots were all empty except one and that she had cleaned that one out and was ready to finish the tooth. We made an appointment for Monday, Oct 14.

I’m concerned that some debris from the tooth may now be in one of my sinus cavities or the gum above the molars. Will the packing material she puts in the tooth Monday squeeze into my sinus cavity or gum?

This sounds like you were having sodium hypochlorite (bleach) accidentally being forced into the surrounding tissue and yes maybe into the maxillary sinus. If this tooth #16 (upper left wisdom tooth) I would have that tooth extracted immediately. No point in saving it if you are having these issues.

Originally Posted by Sara504 View Post
Not sure if you know this, here's my face. See the top far left? They took that out and put a screw in. Now I'm constantly feeling pressure and pain. I dont know if it's from the screw in my mouth or the plates in my cheeks. Is there a way to pin point why it hurts? The surgeon that did this work is back in New Orleans so I cant make an appointment t see him. If it's the screw, can the screw just be taken out and let it help up that way?
Originally Posted by dtwyim View Post
Sooooo, you have upper jaw surgery to bring it forward.

You need to see an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon. Not an Endodontist.

Yes, the hardware could be the problem. Should be able to remove it any time more than 3 months after initial surgery. Unless there were issues with healing.
You need to see an oral surgeon and not an Endodontist.
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