Thread: hawaii !
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      09-17-2013, 06:27 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Endless619 View Post
Why would you go to Hawaii? I lived there for 5 years and will never go back. Once you have done everything there, it gets boring. I would rather go to Bora Bora or St. Lucia before I go back to Hawaii.

Anyway depends on your budget. If I recall its not that much. $1000-$1500 a person for a week.
You say that once you've done everything in Hawaii it gets boring but suggest Bora Bora? Aside from being lightyears out of his budget, there is almost nothing to do there once you've finished snorkeling and eating at the fancy restaurants on your hotels private island from which there is no escape. I would argue that there is significantly less to do on Bora Bora than Hawaii. Also, St.Lucia can't hold a candle to Hawaii in range of activities and natural beauty. We get it, you hated it after five years but for a week or two, it's a fantastic place to visit.
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