Originally Posted by RollingLower42
Your location is San Francisco? ...
... It is so much more relaxed and chill up there. Everyone blazes everywhere and no one says anything. I love it. I remember visiting Haight and Ashbury street (Probably spelled wrong) and remember so many head shops with nice glass everywhere. ROOR's and what not. We also hit up Golden State park. My friend said we had to check out "Hippie Hill". That was great! A nice sunny day, a group of drummers at the bottom of the hill playing tunes and then just a grip of random people blazing on the hill. I want to go back!! I remember some guy gave me a brownie for free. What a dope guy! Anyways, ah SF, you are my oasis. LOL, LA isn't bad, it just seemed like SF was so chill! 
I don't think the generally relaxed stance is limited to SF and L.A. I spent some time a bit south of there in Santa Cruz, Monterrey and Carmel. It seemed to be pretty "chill" as well. Personally, I think if one is within 50 miles of the PCH, it'll be that way. Though I haven't ventured to the northern part of the state, SF and Sacramento are as far as I've spent any great amount of time. Besides forests, and parks and such, is there anything in northern CA? (I think of SF as the central part of the state, not the north, but I know it's referred to as Northern CA.)