Originally Posted by RollingLower42
Your location is San Francisco? I take it you are likely a professional yourself then too? LOL
I really want to go back up to SF. I have only been there once a few years ago, and remember it was soooo much fun. It is so much more relaxed and chill up there. Everyone blazes everywhere and no one says anything. I love it. I remember visiting Haight and Ashbury street (Probably spelled wrong) and remember so many head shops with nice glass everywhere. ROOR's and what not. We also hit up Golden State park. My friend said we had to check out "Hippie Hill". That was great! A nice sunny day, a group of drummers at the bottom of the hill playing tunes and then just a grip of random people blazing on the hill. I want to go back!! I remember some guy gave me a brownie for free. What a dope guy! Anyways, ah SF, you are my oasis. LOL, LA isn't bad, it just seemed like SF was so chill! 
That stuff is everywhere around here. Im only familiar with because my brother runs a med center in dwntwn oak. Yeah sf is very chill. For the most part.
I have a vape pen that has the attachment. I barely use it but its pretty cool. Gotta get the glass globe attachment for it if you like wax. Its like upgrading your exhaust lol. I get around out here alot. If and when youre in town send me a pm ill show you whatsup. If you like that stuff my bro is your best friend haha