Originally Posted by ///M Power-Belgium
Agreed,but prepare yourself for some emotional impact !
Why???...for example....when you know for about 90% sure that you will get disease X or Y ?!?!and at that age !  ...
I suppose such revelations can affect one is multiple ways. One could learn that with 90% certainty that one will live to be 90 or more. But knowing that that was before one took up smoking, it could be a positive thing too. Or knowing one has saved enough to afford to live that long, one may feel more comfortable taking up cigarette smoking.
Some things I think humans, as we exist today, don't need to know. Not because in an of itself knowing is a bad thing, but because most humans had a minor "god comlex" and are control freaks. As a species, we want to control everything, think we are infallible, and feel that fixing every little ill is a step in the right direction.
It doesn't bother me that individuals might learn these sorts of things about themselves. What concerns me is how societies, cultures, governments and other organizations might want us to use the information, or how they might directly or indirectly force individuals to use the information in certain ways. In short, I don't like the potential for for information of this nature to become yet another basis of competitiveness among people/peoples.