Thread: E-Cigarettes
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      07-25-2013, 06:07 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by ///M Power-Belgium View Post
I think you are a copy of me,it's almost my story of live,and i know how it is man,so you have all my respect
BTW,now it will be interesting........
Do you know of heard something from 23andMe ?
My wife and i ,we have done it....the test,you know the Chromosomes .....the Genetic testing !
We all have 23 pairs of it,you need to send your spittle to them(sample) and they will update you with the results..and they see all in this sample !
For example...heritable diseases...when you will get it....and why ! (how many % of chance)
Why this all ?you can look into the future of you'r own future live .......
So you can it worth to quit smoking or not,you know people can die very young(and without smoking),and yes also in my family !
Also....i know reading stuff like this can give some depression,but sadly's the reality !
I personal...i'm very realistic with things like this, and i hope that everyone get very old,but old and decay is also
So for the people who want to take a look in the future of there live
That's a really cool website.. I didn't know this was commercially available. I may have to do this just out of curiosity.
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