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      09-16-2007, 01:36 AM   #79
Now With 33% MORE Sarcasm Free!
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Drives: M4 i3 X3
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Phoenix AZ

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Originally Posted by Neurorad View Post
'Cultured' is such a loaded term; one man's 'cultured' is another's waste of money.


Who do I need to impress? I've already made it. I'll make others buy the watches to try to impress me. :rocks:


"Happiness does not come from having much, but from being attached to little." -V. Chen Yang

(Yes, Revlis, I know - happiness is a warm gun.)


'Cultured' is just a lame term to avoid calling it the 'my dick is bigger than yours' game.


Shit, I shouldn't have drank all that cough syrup...maybe I'll go wake the kids...and play some night Jarts...where's that flashlight!?
I love the way the smoke rises off the barrel of my M4 as the CLP burns off after a few 30rnd magazines are emptied in a hurry...

Some folks would consider that "uncultured"... I'd consider it entertainment...
A BMW is Just a Car, it doesn't make you smart, handsome, clever, better, cool, or wealthy.
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