I just recently went through the dreaded break up with someone you love but know isn't the one you're going to marry. It was the mature call on my part. I will spare all the details of the situation. So I'm back in the single mix, and have been this way for about two weeks now. I just wanted to get some of your opinions, ideas, thoughts, etc... on getting back in the single game. I've been out of it for two years. I just turned 24 and I'm living in a small college town. The night when everyone goes out is oddly on a Wednesday night. I don't go out on weeknights since I have a 8-5 job now. Anyways, what do you single guys do to get back in the grove of things and move on from the past relationship.
Hopefully Shah will chime in. I'm going to change my profile pic to me shirtless with a dyson. I hear that helps get single guys back in the game