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      02-21-2013, 05:11 PM   #146

Drives: 08 E90 M3
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: NYC

iTrader: (3)

Originally Posted by LarThaL View Post
I am amazed, myself, at how many docs have "come out the woodwork" here.

The bottom line is that you need to find an occupation that you think you will love and are passionate about. If you are motivated, bright, and doing something you love, you will be successful and happy.

If one's primary goal is to make money, then take the amount of time that one puts into a medical education and study economics, finance and the markets. You will make more money than in medicine, provided that the energy invested is comparable. Still, there is no doubt that medicine will always afford one an affluent lifestyle. Even some of the lowest paid specialties will put you into the 90-95th percentile of household incomes. We lose perspective sometimes in our sheltered M3 world, of just where society is really at.

On a forum such as this, we tend to focus on the ecomonics of one's profession because we are ultimately discussing the acquisition of a fairly expensive material object. However, if you are truly miserable in your job, an M3 won't help for long. It will give a boost to your spirts for a short while, then you will be miserable again.

I finished fellowship in 1998. 15 years later, there is still nothing else I would rather be doing. I thoroughly enjoy my job, and I am a practicing clinician. No, I don't like going to the OR at 3am with an ischemic bowel case, but when I walk into the cool morning air 4 hours later, it is still a supremely satisfying feeling.
I would love to know how many anesthesiologists are on here (along with other specialties such as Rads, Optho, etc? Seems the R.O.A.D. to happiness leads to M3s!

08 E90 M3 Interlagos Blue
99 E36 M3 Cosmos, #2--Sold
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