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      02-17-2013, 08:32 AM   #96

Drives: E92 SG '10 6MT
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Cary NC

iTrader: (0)

Wow some interesting takes and answers.

For the dude looking at the (used or new) M3...
a. you don't have time to dick around- i.e. car breaks down, needs maintenance or not there to get you to work/school is not meaningful use.

b. adding debt (car loan) to more debt (school loan) with added interest is a poor financial situation. There will be many people who will want to cut your paycheck and I don't believe starting before med school is the way to go.

c. when you become an attending years later, work hard for yourself or private company and buy what you like before you get married. not all women would agree with a coupe that bucks like a donkey at low speeds and costs 75K.

d. dont base your living on the salaries posted. you will be miserable, you will hate your patients who depend on you and most of all you will burn out. as with anything else in life, pick something you enjoy doing whether it be sticking your 5 inch needle (LOL nice one), repetitive highly skilled procedures or subspecialty areas of sub set skills.

where is medicine going? not sure. wherever it goes, literally and metaphorically, I know I will have a job for what I do to support my family. I may need to work more or harder, move to another country, but I would be happy for what I am doing.
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