My wife is currently a first year resident and specializing in anesthesiology. She still has a long way to go. Seeing what she goes through, I am glad I got a degree in Engineering. We already begun paying her student loans which is a total of 180K @ 6.8%. I plan to have that loan fully payed off after she completes her fellowship but man does it suck. I am also not able to write it off on my taxes which pisses me off the most.
I feel for all you docs. My wife got pregnant with our first baby and took a year off med school, then a month after we had the baby she was diagnosed with cancer (neuroblastoma stage 3). I transferred her to St. Jude in Memphis, TN to get the best care which was one of the best decisions I made in my life (I live in New Orleans). Then we had our 2nd baby during 4th year and she took no time off. Through all that her grades were still excellent and was chosen to be in AOA. We have had a tough road. I have the utmost respect for you guys since I know what you have to go through.