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      02-15-2013, 12:31 PM   #62
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Drives: 2005 Audi S4
Join Date: Feb 2013
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Originally Posted by M_ZVER View Post
I would not advise it unless you can fully pay it off prior to start of school and save up for maintenance and insurance (face it everyone one pays for gas whether you drive a bmw or toyota). So make your decision, but remember not to regret it down the road, because I def don't.
This was the point I was trying to make earlier. If I buy a used one with all cash up front and only need to spend money on gas, maintenance, and insurance like a regular car, how much more am i really looking at? Im obligated to spend that money with a shitty toyota anyways. I know it will add up but so will any other car. How much maintenance does something like a used 55,000 mile M3 need for a daily driver?
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