It's not a big deal. Assuming that you'll establish this as an actual business (or claim the income for tax purposes as self-employed), don't forget that you will also be able to claim a portion of your housing expenses against the income for tax purposes on top of the actual expenses incurred for the work itself.
One thing to look at (probably a non-issue but better safe than sorry) - some tightly controlled communities (town home or condo associations, etc) might have by-laws that forbid members from using their homes address or association common areas for business reasons (e.g., setting up a business with the home address as the main mailing address or using parking lots for dedicated business vehicles, etc) Satellite home offices are generally ok (as are vehicles split between personal and business use) and there are definitely workarounds but you might as well check to see if this is something you'll need to consider.
Also, check your homeowners insurance policy to see what you might have to deal with since clients will be going to the house. If you're a renter, check your rental agreement to see if it bars you from having clients on-site.
Last edited by double_j; 01-27-2013 at 01:28 PM..