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      01-21-2013, 10:36 PM   #10
8th BMW, 520th Surfboard
808@702's Avatar

Drives: My girlfriends crazy!
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Las Vegas, Nv. and Honolulu, Hi. and Seattle Wa.

iTrader: (0)

I have adhered to the rule of the 3G's. This rule states the best places to find women are! 1. Grocery store, 2. Golf course or, 3. GoGo bar. This 3 step method has always worked without fail. Maybe not if your looking for professional women which can by the way also be a double edged sword.
But you will find 1. Single mothers, 2. Young hotties, 3. Strippers!
All 3 work (for a very short period of time if your smart).
My point is, if you are looking for a real honest relationship with a woman you like, go find her, utilizing the only things you have at your disposal! Money!!!!!
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