Originally Posted by ragingclue
Trolling? I'm usefully contributing to this thread.
Trolls always think they're posts are useful even when the entire spirit behind their initial post is to disrupt. You written absolutely nothing thoughtful. Nothing in depth. Nothing that would convince anyone you're out of your teenage years. Even if I don't agree with your point of view, at least freakin' write something that is recognizable on the adult level other than some corny ass typical vagina joke.
Look at the posts. It's not just myself and the other posters you've quoted who think you're ill-informed and irrational (both!). I've been mature and polite throughout, but if you don't like what I've said, you're welcome to seethe until your vagina starts seeping demons; I don't care.
Oh, yes! The internet herd-mentality of "everyone thinks you're yadda yadda" Which really isn't a fair criticism of me. As if this OT forum is a fair representation of opinions and the best venue to discus a case of this magnitude. lol You're just being a dick because it's easy to be one when anonymity is in the balance.
Even your weak, childish banter about female sex organs is corny as hell, and again proves how small-minded and intellectually limited you are. Maybe you think that's cool? Who knows...
I've provided plenty of substance to the conversation. You, however, seem to be here just to irk others. You are the definition of a troll. And a bad troll at that.
As a troll, yes. I mean, you're trollific. Again, because you lack the aptitude to stay on topic and discuss this matter in depth minus the personal insults, you want to attack me to mask your stupidity with hopes that that'll be enough to counter my points. I haven't even written anything over-the-top about the case, like calling for the beheading of Zimmerman, or other unreasonable acts of violence, for example.

Can you at least provide something relevant to your viewpoint, other than self-aggrandizing bullshit? I don't think you can. Nothing you say makes any sense and you contradict yourself at every turn.
I did yet it's takes you far too long to process it. The message is in clear view. How you process what I've written thus far is not my problem. It's yours. If you don't like it, don't read it. There's plenty of other topics to entertain you in between your sessions of Xbox live.
Trayvon can't testify? Neither can anyone who has been killed, Einstein. Does this mean every time someone is killed, the person "most" responsible should be condemned based on the fact that there's zero testimony available from the deceased? You say judging GZ based on the law is undermining the justice system, yet you think that GZ should be condemned solely based on the fact that his actions killed a man? If you can't understand how terribly hypocritical that is, and how badly it undermines the very core of your argument, then I don't know what to say to you.
We aren't talking about just anyone, We are talking specifically about martin and how he is essentially the victim, yet vilified and excused of causing his own death minus the ability to defend himself. It's Zimmerman's word against the deceased with limited eyewitness account. Moreover, I seriously doubt a thug would call his girlfriend to tell her he's being followed. How thuggish!!!! SMH There are serious character flaws in Zimmerman that will definitely come to light. Some in this thread want to lessen the severity of the murder by thinking a 17 year old with behavior issues (none of which have been stated, by the way) is enough reason to assume his death was warranted. His father lived in the gated community. But, that's the way this country operates. I wonder how many of you have sketchy backgrounds yet have managed to outgrow it and successfully rid yourself of the negativity.
There was a time when the world was ruled by people like you. Then we became civilized. I think you need a DeLorean.
Says the guy who thinks his reasoning is strengthened by vagina jokes while claiming I HAVE IT ALL WRONG.
Also, you've made it clear that you wouldn't give two shits if the shooter was black and the victim was white. Therefore, your mind is made up based on the race of those involved and not the incident at hand. Nobody is taking anything you say seriously. I am, however, getting quite a kick out of you making an ass of yourself. It's quite a spectacle.
Only fools create hypotheticals and use them as a form of reasoning. I know one thing, there is more outrage when a blond chick goes missing from a campus or falls off of the side of a carnival cruise boat . Am I wrong? So, perhaps, the race issue is in fact alive and welll, and that maybe why you have issue with my view to begin with? I think so...
I think I do care now that you're offended. It's starting to get entertaining. Please continue.
I'm whipping you around at my speed. You can't leave now. You see, now you are force to come out of troll-mode and actually think. You're compelled to save-face in this thread because so far, your replies have been so weak and absent of substance. I dare you to get back on topic then i could expose how poor your reasoning is about this case and anything remotely related to these topics.