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      04-25-2012, 01:29 PM   #43
Uber V8
Volcano Knuckles
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Originally Posted by 48Laws View Post
It may not be a race issue in the sense of Zimmerman seeking out black people because of a racist agenda, HOWEVER, it is a race issue when walking while black in a neighborhood in which your father resides can translate to a death sentence and a good portion of this nation is cool with it.
As a black man, I understand the frustration this can bring, however this example would be anti-progressive because I can walk (while black) in an all black neighborhood (white, hispanic, asian, etc...) and still be shot and killed.

Matter of fact, it was quite common for shootings that lead to death in my surrounding neighborhoods growing up.

I am not cool with anyone being shot and killed and wish violence never had to a perfect world.
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