Originally Posted by mdyaman
While I respect your opinion on the matter, I think we should let the judge and jury decide if Zimmerman is guilty of murder under the provisions of Florida law at the time.
The media has distorted and manipulated the truth, on both Zimmerman and Martin. Some call it character assassination. This has undoubtedly caused dissent and bi-polar public opinion on the matter based on the manipulation of the truth. While everyone is entitled to an opinion, unless you or someone on this board was there and saw the events unfold first hand, I don't think anyone of us has a right to claim one party guilty or innocent. In this case, calling him a murderer. With the on going trial process, whether the media is accurate or not, the prosecution has yet to bring a valid argument or proof against Zimmerman defense at this point in time. Maybe they will later on. The only real truth that rings throughout is this whole ordeal is a tragedy.
Perhaps the real issue at hand is the Florida Stand Your Ground Law. But once again, the media has only sent a sound bite to the masses on how controversial the law is, and alluding that anyone can shoot and kill someone in the name of self defense. This isn't accurate. The law states that there are certain pillars, or criteria, that must be met before one can execute Stand Your Ground. Per Florida Law 776.012 - 776.013:
776.012 (1) force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another and meets a condition described in 776.013.
776.013 (3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.
That is my two cents.
Couldn't agree more.
And fuck Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. They are two of the most racist people in the country and the media panders to it. I don't see them up in arms about this:
White man beaten by mob of black guys or this:
Black kids jump and beat white kid
And now, people from other states want to have Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law repealed? To hell with that. That law needs to be kept. Courts in this country have already held that law enforcement owes no duty to protect individuals. Now these people want to force everyone to run away or face charges for protecting themselves? That is just insane. I'll exercise my Second Amendment right and I'll continue to carry concealed to protect myself and those I care about should I ever find myself in the unfortunate circumstance where that becomes necessary.
EDIT: Why doesn't the media report things like this ->
Grandmother uses firearm to protect herself, bad guy shot