Sorry to hear.
While it's possible to get out of pacing tickets from my experience it's challenging (at least in VA).
The last time I had to go to court I was one of 3 (all female) one county cop had paced in the same exact area (1-2 mile stretch of road). He'd come down the exit ramp and on to the road right behind. No way he was at a complete stop on the ramp but more of right place right time merging on the road behind cars going fast enough to care about.
Why use radar when pacing is acceptable? In VA they have to be a set distance for a set period of time and the only calibration they need to prove is speedometer.
My other 1/2 was caught by pacing where it was very clear the cop was lying (from dead stop to allegedly 90 & pace in 1/4 mile w/traffic and having to merge off a restricted road) and a high priced lawyer only got him a restricted license.
And I was driving a ford escape

not my car