Damn... After helping my mother-in-law pickup her new BMW 328i sedan, I got a ticket in my coupe on the way home!!! The cop said I was going 90 in 65, the thing was that my radar detecter didnt go off. I was sitting in the car cursing at the damn thing for not going off. Then the cop hands me the ticket and leaves, I was going to ask him how he clocked me but in my confused state of mind I forgot. I then read the darn thing and it has a check mark on "paced". What the hell is that?? Does it mean he followed me and guessed how fast I was going.
I honestly dont know how fast I was going but by the time I saw the cop with the lights in the rear view mirror and look down I was going about 75.
I am wondering if I should fight the ticket in court. I cant take defensive driving as I got a ticket earlier (I got a ticket going to the airport for my ED!).
Any ideas or suggestions?
PS: all you conspiracy theorist are welcome to jump on the "red = ticket magnet"