I have been saying this for years. Usually its the LR Sport drivers who drive like a complete jackass. The LR Discovery counter parts are much more civilized in comparison.
Most fast drivers try to be polite and I move over for them but the LRS folks just balls out tails you. In those case I dont bother doing anything because they won't even wait for you to move over. Let me just say it gave me great sanctification to see one pulled over yesterday. The LRS was completely blacked out with a driver in his Hugh Boss Suit and a purple tie like someone walked out of a GQ shoot.
OP is spot on in my opinion. First more powerful car lowers the barrier to speed and second people who can afford 90k+ cars have an air of entitlement. Out of my way or else, I am better than you, I need to be be somewhere.
Originally Posted by JoeyO
Yea, I know there probably are some nice Land Rover owners out there (and on this forum) and I shouldn't stereotype people... but every Land Rover driver I encounter drives like a complete jerk.
Typically on my daily commute it's the women Land Rover drivers that piss me off the most. Just today some lady was weaving her land barge in and out of traffic, driving at excessive speeds, and at times tailgating me, like it was a little sports car or something. I don't think she realized her LR4 isn't as sporty and manueverable as she may think it is.
I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the whole "I'm driving a European vehicle" mentallity that gives these people the wrong idea they're driving an M3 or something. Maybe they think "It's European so it must manuever better than 90% of the cars out there."
Sorry, just had to gripe after today's encounter. But it happens to me at least once a day.