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      03-04-2012, 12:13 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Limey View Post
Ok great. Did u have to commit to buying tickets on the spot or did they give u some options/time to decide?
A few things, no I didn't have to buy on the spot. Though they do ask you to. There is at least over a month of time to figure out what you'd like to do. However, he did say that there are currently 15,000 entrants and that only 2,000 would get the Club Seat PSL. The prices that he mentioned to me is as follows.

1. Club Seating: $5,000 + $1,250 per year. (Total of $23,750 for 15 years)
2. Mezzanine: $3,500 + $1,000 per year. (Total of $18,500 for 15 years)
3. Lower Seating: $2,500 + $775 per year. (Total of $14,125 for 15 years)
4. Side Bleachers: $1,500 + $500 per year. (Total of $9,000 for 15 years)

The per year costs essentially are the season tickets for that year, and currently include 6 events. (3 days of F1, and 3 days of V8 Supercars) There was no mention of MotoGP from him, which I found odd. Also, if you hold a PSL, then you are obligated to buy the season tickets or otherwise sell off your PSL.

Seat options 1-3 are available for all of the Grandstands. Option 4 is only on the main grandstand as I understand it. If you choose option 1, you will only get the VIP lounge and restaurant if you pick the main grandstand. All of the PSL's include parking.

When I asked about General Admission, his response was that you would be able to buy tickets but there wouldn't be any seating left after the PSL. Personally, I think this answer is purely speculative in order to drive sales of PSL's.
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