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      12-15-2005, 06:33 AM   #42
Second Lieutenant
06graphite's Avatar

Drives: '07 328xi Coupe
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Plainville, MA

iTrader: (0)


Go out and enjoy your car. Don't feel bad about your grades either. Obviously, your parents can afford a nice car for you and they feel you deserve it.

As far as your grades go, after you get into college, no one is ever going to ask you what your high school GPA was. And unless you go on to grad school, after you get your first job after college no one is going to ask you your GPA from college either. All through my academic career (Private High School, Private University, Private Grad School) I've had a solid 3.0 average (that's a B, for those unfamiliar with the GPA system). I work for the world's largest mutual fund company, and have a very well paying job. No one here has ever asked me what sort of grades I got.

That being said, try to raise that D.
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