Originally Posted by 007MCoupe
And this is where I'm a little fuzzy on the rules...Why couldn't the teams just follow that horizontal dotted line and just bypass the step altogether?? McLaren did it (for how long is a different story...).
There are a few things I'd like to point out that might help some of what you are saying. First of all, F1 cars are heavy downforce and downforce = drag. So adding drag isn't a big deal if you are getting downforce from it. Though they do try to optimize.
Secondly, the purpose for the high front nose is to keep the air below it clean for the rest of the body work. Thusly, they put the nose as high as they can to basically get it out of the way. They also house the front suspension, steering rack, and internal reservoirs in the nose. So these components all take a certain amount of space. Think of it as, the top of the nose is so high because they need the bottom of the nose to allow a certain area of clearance.