Originally Posted by YuBimmer
Same with me. I'm here in a community college because of my grades my senior year. I was always a slacker in high school, but I would still get A's, B's and some C's. But my senior year, I didn't do a thing. I didn't do any homework, never studied and basically either goofed off in class or slept. I almost didn't graduate high school, because I was failling two of the required classes you need to pass in order to graduate. I actually studied for the exams and got an A in both, but my GPA still suffered because of the other grades. I ended up with a 3.6 GPA, which isn't bad, but because of the F's and D's my senior year, most of the colleges I applied to did not want me. I regret not trying my hardest in high school, but that's something I have to live with. You still have two years, work hard and you will be rewarded. You don't want to end up like me going to community college and just sitting on your ass all day.
P.S. Reggie Bush is the greatest Bush ever.

you're exactly like me right now.