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      02-03-2012, 09:00 AM   #146
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Originally Posted by pman10 View Post
That Ferrari is nothing short of ghastly. As long as it's quick, though, I'll be happy.

Thoughts on the stepped nose cars vs. the Mclaren? Have Mclaren simply found a more elegant solution, or do you think they missed the boat, so to speak? I guess we won't find out till March.
The step-nose is to meet new regulation while maximize the airflow over Bargeboards.

Front lower nose design will help drive more airflow over Bargeboards (Bargeboards are pieces of bodywork on open-wheel racing cars) serving a purely aerodynamic (as opposed to structural) function. They are curved vertical planes situated longitudinally, between the front wheels and the sidepods, held away from the chassis at the front on struts or other connectors, and connecting to the sidepods or extensions of the floor at the rear). The lower nose partition clear by F1 governing body (275mm high & 300mm extensive). But teams designed the radiuses that are allowed to be applied to the chassis boundaries. Consecutively to make the complete cross section lesser. All concepts provide drive improved aero performance, despite the higher centre of Gravity, Safety and better aero overcomes this to get better lap times. provide more details about the new lower nose – (Formula “In order to increase safety, for 2012 the FIA has decided to lower the height of the car's front section, primarily to lessen the chance of one's car's nose intruding into the cockpit of another in the event of a side-on collision. “

“As can be seen in this diagram, the height of the chassis immediately ahead of the cockpit can still be up to 625mm above the reference plane (PR), but then in the space of 150mm it must fall to 550mm. This is expected to lead to some rather awkward-looking, stepped-nose designs on the 2012 cars, including Ferrari's new machine.”

But McLaren took another approach to emphasize the airflow around the body and rear wing.

Also @martinbrundle on twitter has said, and I quote word for word

''Mclaren have tray/tongue system under front of their chassis and such a concept means they lower the chassis and not just the 'broken' nose''
and i hope McLaren is least its good looking....what's wrose....the car is ugly and slow....
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