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      01-16-2012, 07:24 PM   #5991
Weebl wobbles but eats Pie

Drives: 2012 X5 d,2008 335i, 2000 740i
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: SF Bay Area

iTrader: (0)

Thanks. Slowly, I'm getting better at catching them. This pass was probably over 500, he was cooking along. I have some where a plane was just over the speed of sound. I need better/faster AF.
One of the reasons I need a 7D or 1D and I use my 300 quite a bit.
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Kevin Goto
2000 740i-Annalisa (sold 2018) 2008 335i-Weebl. Weebl may wobble but has DTC 2012 X5d in Sparkling Bronze ( The Ultimate Cat Carrying Machine)-RIP BMW buyback 2019:2017 A3, 2018 Audi SQ5
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