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      01-01-2012, 09:13 PM   #28

Drives: E90 335i
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Naples, FL

iTrader: (9)

Originally Posted by The Ghost of Tom Joad View Post
you really don't get it, do you? gtr can be driven daily, but highly impractical for that application. every gtr owner i know daily drives something else, including myself. it rides like a red flyer wagon. most cars over $100k aren't what you drive every day. but more to the point, the gtr is a supercar by performance standards. you can hate as much as you want, but you really are clearly speaking from inexperience. go drive one and tell me you would rather drive a massively produced, average luxury car over a car that handles and performs better than 99% of all the other cars on the road. that's the fact. but hey...if mediocrity is all you strive for, then more power to you. myself, i love to drive fast and hug the corners. classy is also a matter of extreme opinion.

don't get my wrong, i love bmw's. i just don't look at them like high performance sports cars in their factory form. the reality is they're mass produced, high quality, good performance luxury cars. i would totally daily an f10 m5 and drive the gtr on a nice day.
I have driven one, twice. Both times as I get in them, i feel as Im getting into a Nissan. Obviously your opinion towards this subject is off considering you settled to own a Nissan as a "super car". But as anything, if you're happy settling with the Mustang 5.0 of the "super cars" then good for you.

I don't consider ANY BMW a "super car" thats reserved for car's that when you get in, you notice EVERYTHING is super, hand stitching, carbon fiber everything etc etc. Not a big motor that goes fast in a Japanese styled car.

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