Originally Posted by E90SoFlo
Well I think most everyone feels the same way. I would rather drive my BMW 335 then a NISSAN Gt-R, I don't see it as a "super car" considering its not priced to be one. It would be a daily and honestly its not a classy enough or comfortable enough car to be driven daily (which is what you do with a 100k car)
you really don't get it, do you? gtr can be driven daily, but highly impractical for that application. every gtr owner i know daily drives something else, including myself. it rides like a red flyer wagon. most cars over $100k aren't what you drive every day. but more to the point, the gtr is a supercar by performance standards. you can hate as much as you want, but you really are clearly speaking from inexperience. go drive one and tell me you would rather drive a massively produced, average luxury car over a car that handles and performs better than 99% of all the other cars on the road. that's the fact. but hey...if mediocrity is all you strive for, then more power to you. myself, i love to drive fast and hug the corners.

classy is also a matter of extreme opinion.
don't get my wrong, i love bmw's. i just don't look at them like high performance sports cars in their factory form. the reality is they're mass produced, high quality, good performance luxury cars. i would totally daily an f10 m5 and drive the gtr on a nice day.