Originally Posted by bmwmike335
please explain your logic. how does the OP being in possession of a loaded and concealed firearm help this situation.
are you saying that because he had a loaded firearm then his ego would be much stronger and he would have handled this situation more like a man (not saying OP didn't)
or are you saying that if he had the firearm then it would have made things better because he would have shot the man in a wife beater walking up to his car?
i don't see how CCW license would help anybody in this situation.
Even if he did get carjacked... be honest with yourself, would you shoot a man for stealing you car? would you be that sure of yourself that shooting this man would also be justified in front of a jury filled with morons when the prosecutors try to slam a involuntary manslaughter on you due to wanton disregard for life? the jury will look at your case and think your a hot headed lunatic for killing a man for a piece of metal (granted an 80K piece of metal lol) but still... and, if you do get popped with that felony, or perhaps a lower conviction of some other assault crime (if said person happened to take a plea bargain) then you could kiss your CCW license goodbye because in CA if you have previous felony or assault convictions you can't purchase or possess a firearm... so you'd be right back to where you were...with no gun at all except the one between your legs. =)
don't want to pick a fight, but just need to clarify and give the other side in case theres 15 16 year old kids in here reading this shit thinking its cool to walk around with a gun and shoot a guy on the freeway due to plain old unexpected fear of "what happens now".
If he is legally carrying, and the guy in the original post put fear of serious injury or death, he has a right to use deadly force. If the potential car-jacker was armed, that would warrant the aforementioned fear of death and the OP having a gun would be beneficial.