Originally Posted by 1speedbike
I don't care that the guy beat up is a criminal, police doing this to anybody is criminal. The guy that stole the car will repay his debt to society through the justice system, end up going to jail, getting butt-raped etc (unless the publicity from this beating gets him a lighter sentence). That is how he will be punished.
The officers are sworn to "serve and protect". They are given powers and rights which are above and beyond those of regular citizens, and along with those powers they are given a strict set of guidelines which are in place to prevent the abuse of those powers. This is a situation in which excessive force was used. The officers thought they could supersede the courts, judges, and the laws already in place and dish out retributive justice of their own, without regard to the legal system. It is not their job to personally deliver punishments.
This also goes along with "all subjects innocent until proven guilty in a court of law". Obviously this guy is guilty, but it is not the place of the officers to punish this guy. There is a reason for all these rules and courts, and that is because it works most of the time in most of the cases.
The system isn't perfect, but the day officers are allowed to "bend the rules" because "the guy's a criminal and he deserved it" or because they "thought it was fair" or any similar excuse is the day that we all lose. It always starts with a slight bending of the rules before shit just eventually gets plain old ugly.
So wait... Guy gets sexually assaulted behind bars and you are ok with that? That is justice? How is that any different than these cops beating him up... It's all vigilante justice. Karma if you will...
I agree that cops should arrest him and lock him up. But people are supposedly sent to jail for rehabilitation and for the protection of the general public. Not to lose their anal virginity for their sins.