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      11-17-2011, 01:09 PM   #5
Comrade Vlad
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Drives: 1999 M3, 2006 325i
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Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
Do not care. If he was attempting to steal something from a car, or the car itself, doesn't matter, he deserved a beat down. At least that way he'll get punished a little - can't count on the justice system to do that.
Agree. If all cops would do what these two cops did, may be there was less crime in the States.

Originally Posted by james426 View Post
The only thing they did wrong was getting caught on video.

These guys (cops) put their lives on the line every day. They never know which of those scumbags will pull out a gun and shoot them. Yes, the beating on this video might seem little extreme.
But so what? The guy is a thief, a criminal. He had balls to steal something, but he's got no balls to take some beating?

Plus, we don't know what has happened before this footage.
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