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      10-26-2011, 12:16 PM   #1
Been There, Done That.
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Drives: 2013 BMW M3
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Maryland

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STi-R Plus. Portable?

I'm looking into an STi-R Plus but I wanted to know if I can take it with me car to car. I'm new to the detector world so flame suit on. I used a friends 9500ix for awhile and it came in handy. I am in the highway a lot and do travel into VA where they are illegal, so it not being detected is somewhat needed. Any other opinions? I also do a lot of highway driving to and from school. It's an hour ride to Baltimore and an hour back all in the highway. I also drive in the city but not as much. A detector that world equally well in both highway city is preferred.
Originally Posted by Jaypod View Post
You sound like my buddies who have AMG's - Slam the gas, slam the brakes...
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