Originally Posted by AiyahPK
So what does uncivilized mean to you? What standard are you using to measure that? Is that even measurable?
You're talking as if "modernity" has a progressing timetable, as if China will eventually catch up to the hegemonic standard (set by who?) and they're in some sort of uncivilized state now.
i may regret this later since this will open up another huge can of worms but this will be my last post for this as i think i've said enough, but so far from reading through this thread, you've done absolutely nothing except argue and refute what other people say without setting any of your opinions or any substantial statements. you haven't commented on the actual tragedy once, your prior comment in this entire situation was responding "you've got really good sources" (sarcastically), and all you've done in my opinion is try to defend the chinese image. i have nothing against that, but you keep taking things, my comments, and spinning it a certain way and trying to deny it or whatevers without actually stating anything.
example 1: my comment about certain groups of people in china being uncivilized. you took that and spun it into as me saying all of non-western nations are inferior to western nations, and all non-christain religions < christian religions. do you deny doing that? i don't see how anything i said remotely implies that. and then that's all you say. you don't give anything else back. so fine....
example 2: i clarify what i said, even though i feel i really didn't need to, that china does not represent all of non-western nations. i'm asian, but i still think there are groups of people not only in china but all over the world who are not morally ethical. japan is an example of a non-western country i used to exemplify how developed they are, and in some ways have progressed more than many western nations. again i have not once implied that non-western < western. your argument now becomes, well how do you define civilized? is there a social ladder in terms of progress??
i mean come on, do you think the behavior these people displayed to the helpless girl is "civilized"?? don't you think all people in this world should strive to be better as humans? yes, everything is relative, and just because certain countries have displayed progress in how we take care of people (the civil rights movement in the US for example) doesn't mean they are in the peak of enlightenment. there probably will never be, as all of us should always strive to be better. the majority of the US still looks down of homosexuals. but from what you last said, do you think the behavior of these people are on par with how we should be? yes i think modernization should have a progressing timetable. otherwise we'll always be stuck in the dark ages. are you saying those people in china have no catching up to do whatsoever, that they're fine being the way they are just ignoring an injured girl on the street? if you think that then i'm sorry you've got problems. what, am i'm "implying" something now from what you've said that you never stated?? well that's how you spun my earlier statements.
what does uncivilized mean to me? running over a girl with your car, walking by her on the street without any care, that's uncivilized. do you disagree?
so while all you've done is argue what i've said without actually arguing and giving your thoughts and opnions, i present this opportunity for you to do so. you've contributed nothing to this thread except what seems like trying to defend anything bad or negative that's said about these people, or china, even though what i've stated has nothing really do to with all of china, but parts of the country where people need to display progress in terms of ethical character.
so please, give us your opinion and what you think and actual arguments, instead of just flatly questioning peoples opinions. what are your thoughts on the tragedy, and the behavior of these people who did nothing to help her?
that's it from me, i've gone on further than i really wanted to.