Originally Posted by Simsims
People have family members they have to feed too. Their concept of "suing" isn't your concept of going to court. They'll bring all their relatives and demand money. There is no court/law involvement. More ppl = they win.
Would you save their kid but also give them all your money while watching them screwing you over?
Perhaps you could, because you live in a different environment where supporting yourself (financially) is easier. When you're competing with 1000 more for a spot to a good university, your concepts may change.
Remember, it's only valuable if it's rare.
way of life over there is extremely different. while here if you're sued and you don't have the resources to pay, there are a variety of options...declare banktruptcy, installments, etc. getting sued here is just a court and law process. 99% of the time at the end of the day you'll most likely go on living your life the way you used to, with some inconveniences. in places like developing towns and cities in china, where things aren't so orderly, proper, managed, getting sued means literally losing everything not just for yourself but for your family. you might as well be dead yourself. you have no protection, not much rights, the govt will take everything away from you. especially considering when a good wage is $200 usd per month and 99% of the country live in some form of poverty, who's ass are you going to cover at the end of the day?
not saying it's justified, but it's a different world there. and as SimSims stated, almost all civilizations goes through periods of injustice and chaos. china is still there. so while here it's obvious someone's life is worth more than money, in china, and in a lot of 3rd world countries, a life is just a life. one less isn't going to matter for them. at the end of the day who would you rather save? obviously it's horrible what happened, but things aren't so clear and stable there. it's not so obvious to the society there to just call the police, or go out of their way to help someone when they've grown up in an environment which promotes every man for himself.
after my first visit to china, and also to HK where I saw so many of the mainlanders there, with all of them rude, loud, inconsiderate, i returned to the US bashing and hating them. while i'm still not a fan of them, i've come to understand that they grew up in a very different world compared to the rest of us. so while a lot of the things they do are wrong, inhumane, uncivilized, i've also realized that they're still developing as a society, and as much as it doesn't jive with the rest of the world, you sometimes have to just accept that it will take time for them to catch up to the developed nations. at the same time, we aren't perfect either. we still don't give full rights to homosexuals, with much of the population considering them to be inferior and not worthy of living. you still hear of hate crimes in the good 'ol USA, where gays are murdered just because of who they want to marry/be with. so these kinds of behavior are everywhere, just more so in those societies where it's still developing.
it's tough to just "treat" them for their behaviour, as gerihilton suggested. how can you change the way they think when they've lived through generations in that kind of lawless state. it would take several generations for them to full embrace and change their ideals. at the same time, not all of china is like that. it's just the smaller your town is and further away from major cities, the more uncivilized it is. i'm also not so sure about the mother/parents purposely letting their daughter run around. i watched several videos showing the parents and you can tell they are genuinely heartbroken by the incident.
at least one can be comforted by the huge uproar in china over this that not everyone is so inhumane, and that they are developing as a nation. it'll just take time. obviously the people who ignored her all deserve to go to hell, or some equivalent form. but for those people, they won't understand the injustice they committed at all. as for the drivers, i'm sure they'll receive their punishment, i'm guessing some form of capital punishment. heck, the execs and managers who ran the baby formula company with poison in them were all executed within the year. the chinese government are pretty swift with punishments.
RIP little girl, perhaps it was already stated earlier, but it's been confirmed that she passed away.