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      08-09-2011, 08:45 PM   #196
Private First Class
ABQ325i's Avatar

Drives: 08 E60 535i + 06 E90 330i
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Albuquerque

iTrader: (4)

Garage List
2008 535i  [0.00]
2006 330i  [0.00]
So long as a wire, oral, or electronic communication—including the radio portion of any cordless telephone call—is not recorded for a criminal or tortious purpose, anyone who is a party to the communication, or who has the consent of a party, can lawfully record the communication and disclose its contents. Texas Penal Code § 16.02.

The key word here is tortious. If the OP records the conversation and uses that conversation in legal proceedings then he is breaking the law.

Fellow United fan 1 NYCGP 1
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