The "I baby my car" line
Phrases/adjectives you hate seeing when in the market for used cars / used car parts
Does anyone else get sick of seeing this in high performance car / parts for sale threads? Do you really spend multiple of thousands on go-fast parts to not go-fast? I hope sure hope not.
I understand that some really might baby their car. Two comments: 1) if you really do baby it, it better be stock. 2) leave it up to the purchaser to decide if it's been babied or not. There are obvious signs of abuse (ie. full car length bottom-out scrape on undercarriage shroud...means you were driving really fast, hit a huge bump, got lucky that you didn't wipe out, and subsequently scrapped the entire underside of the ride).
Am I the only one?
Last edited by cstraface; 07-28-2011 at 01:35 PM..