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      05-27-2007, 10:42 AM   #1
Second Lieutenant

Drives: 3 BMWs
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Socal

iTrader: (0)

You can embed pics into threads, I try to do it all the time because I hate seeing just a clump of pics at the end of a thread.

Heres how I do it

#1) Click Manage Attachments and upload all your attachments

#2) Look at the post decoration icons (the place where you click to make text bold, italic, etc), up above. Next to where it says "Fonts" "Sizes" There is a smily face icon, and a Paperclip or + Icon. Click on the paperclip/+ and you can insert an attachment into the body of the text anywhere you want!
Appreciate 2
SD ///M43010.00